Asynchronicity and the Main Thread: Part 2

Last week we talked about how we could run bursty asynchronous tasks on the main thread without blocking it. This is super easy if we have a single task that exists in isolation — let’s say, some JSON we need to download. For example:1

if let url = NSURL(string: ""){
  let req = NSURLRequest(URL:url)
  let main = NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()
    .sendAsynchronousRequest(req, queue: main){

That’s pretty straight forward. The problem is, in applications, nothing happens in isolation. Raw JSON bytes don’t do us any good. We need to parse them. And we probably want to update our interface to reflect the downloaded data. This would be simple enough if everything were synchronous:

//Timing is easy in the synchronous world
//(but blocks the main thread) 
let data = downloadJSON()
let json = parseJSON(data)

To prevent blocking the main thread, though, we have to make these operations asynchronous. In an asynchronous world, though, the data isn’t downloaded by the time downloadJSON() returns. The JSON isn’t parsed by the time parseJSON() gets back to us. We have to rely on completion blocks (or the delegate pattern) to let us know when our work is completed:

.sendAsynchronousRequest(req, queue: main){
(res, data, error) in
  parseJSON(data){ json in

Chaining one operation on the completion of another like this not only leads to a lot of confusing indentation, but now our controller code is all mixed up with our parsing code which is all up in our networking code. It’s a complected mess that only gets worse the more dependencies we add.

What we need is an abstraction around the life-cycle of our tasks. One that lets them run asynchronously, but also manages their completions such that we can queue them to run in a specific order.

Thankfully, NSOperation (and the associated NSOperationQueue machinery) lets us do just that.

NSOperation, Queues, and Dependencies

An NSOperation encapsulates the execution of isolated chunks of work. We can subclass2 NSOperation to do pretty much any kind of work we want, then add instances of our subclass to an NSOperationQueue to start them processing.

Of course, encapsulating work and processing it isn’t exactly rocket science. We’ve been doing this forever with simple functions. The magic of NSOperation/Queue is that it tracks the status of our operations, only starting them when they’re ready, and taking note of when they finish.

That lets us set up chains of dependencies with addDependency  like so:

let myDownloadOp = DownloadOperation()
let myParseOp = ParseOperation()
let myUpdateOp = UpdateOperation()
let queue = NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()
  [myDownloadOp, myParseOp, myUpdateOp],

Because of our dependencies, mainQueue will only execute our parse operation after the download operation has completed. Likewise, it will only start the update operation after the parse operation has completed. Note that everything is self-contained in its own operation and nothing is nested.

More important in the context of our current conversation, this is true even if all these operations are asynchronous. And, as long as we use mainQueue() to process these operations, everything happens on the main thread, too.

In other words, NSOperation/Queue lets us run asynchronous operations on the main thread while maintaining complete control over their timing and order of execution.3

Which means we should be ready to go. And we would be… if the documentation around NSOperation weren’t a confusing and self-contradictory hodgepodge.

Making Sense of Asynchronous Operations

Here I’m going to try to synthesize, as best I can, what I’ve learned about implementing asynchronous NSOperation subclasses from a maze of disparate documentation. If you’re more interested in whats than hows, you should feel free to skip ahead to the next section.

By default, NSOperation assumes that when an operation hits the end of its start() method,4 it is complete.5 Making its concurrent property return true is supposed to indicate an operation’s task lives beyond the scope of start() — in other words, that it’s asynchronous — and thus shouldn’t be considered complete just because start() has returned.

Because such an operation would be responsible for manually marking itself as completed, operation queues used to assume concurrent operations managed their own internal thread. It would be redundant for a queue to create its own thread to run a concurrent operation like this, so “concurrent” used to also mean “Tell the queue not to create a new thread for this operation.”

Then operation queues got rewritten to use Grand Central Dispatch under the covers. As a result, the documentation says, “Operations are always executed on a separate thread, regardless of whether they are designated as asynchronous or synchronous operations."6

Because the concurrent property was being ignored when it came to threading, it’s only remaining job was to indicate whether an operation was asynchronous or not. “Concurrent” and “asynchronous” technically mean different things, though. So in iOS 7, the more semantically precise asynchronous got added to the API, to be used in place of concurrent.7

The only problem being, neither the asynchronous nor concurrent properties seem to do anything.8 Operations with either of these set still report themselves as completed whenever start() returns (whether added to a queue or launched manually, contrary to the docs). The only way to make sure an operation doesn’t mark itself as finished when start() completes is to override start() itself.9

Making a New Start

And so, the most important thing we have to do when implementing an asynchronous subclass of NSOperation is to override its start() method. But start() is actually responsible for a few things.

  1. Calling the main implementation in main()
  2. Updating the operation’s state to executing when it starts.
  3. Changing the operation’s state to finished when it’s done.
  4. Sending KVO notifications for each of the above.

Calling main() is easy. Our initial start() method could look like this:

override func start() {

To model state, we’re going to create an enumeration, a property to hold it, and override the computed properties executing and finished to point to our state:

enum State{
  case Waiting, Executing, Finished

var state = State.Waiting

override var executing:Bool{
  return state == .Executing

override var finished:Bool{
  return state == .Finished

And update our start() to shift us into “executing” mode before calling main:

override func start() {
  state = .Executing

That’s great for setting up “executing”. But how do we mark our operation as “finished”? Remember, this is going to be doing asynchronous work, so we don’t technically know when the operation is going to end. The best we can do is create a method that subclasses will have to call when their asynchronous tasks are complete:

func finish(){
  state = .Finished

This mostly works. But NSOperationQueue (and anything else using our operation) expects to be notified about changes to our state through KVO. And KVO has no way to get automatically triggered when the value of a computed property changes. So we have to send those notifications ourselves:

var state = State.Waiting{
    switch(state, newValue){
    case (.Waiting, .Executing):
    case (.Waiting, .Finished):
    case (.Executing, .Finished):
      fatalError( ... )
    switch(oldValue, state){
    case (.Waiting, .Executing):
    case (.Waiting, .Finished):
    case (.Executing, .Finished):
      fatalError( ... )

This simply sets up two observers on our state property, one for before it gets changed, the other for after. Depending on which state transitions to what, we call the appropriate KVO notifications (or bail with an error).

There are a few things we’re playing fast and loose with here that wouldn’t fly in a multi-threaded environment. There’s no locking around our state property for one thing. And we’ve given no consideration to what happens if we’re initialized by one thread, while start() is called by another.

That’s okay! The whole point of this exercise is how much simpler and less crash-prone everything is when we avoid threading altogether. But we should make our “no thread” policy explicit by guarding against it in start(). Also, as a best practice, we should check that our operation hasn’t been cancelled before we even begin:

override func start() {
  guard NSThread.isMainThread() else{
    fatalError( ... )
  guard !cancelled else{
  state = .Executing

And that’s more or less it! From here, subclasses can override main() to spin up whatever asynchronous task they want, and as long as it calls finish() when it completes, everything will just work.

Exactly what these anynchronous subclasses will look like is a topic for another week. But for now, here’s a gist of the base AsyncOperation class we’ve created together.

1: We should all be using NSURLSession-based networking in the real world. I’m using NSURLConnection in my snippets because it happens to have a more example-friendly interface, but don’t take that as an endorsement of best practice. ↩︎

2: NSBlockOperation is a great way to quickly experiment with NSOperation and NSOperationQueue without all the hassle of subclassing. But a block operation marks itself as finished as soon as its block returns, so it’s not well suited for asynchronous tasks. ↩︎

3: Q.E.D. ↩︎

4: Including main() which is, by default, called by start() ↩︎

5: “Complete” being defined as a state where isFinished is true and KVO notifications have been dispatched to that effect. ↩︎

6: Note the main queue is an exception. Operations executed on the main queue always run on the main thread. Which, incidentally, is what allows us to ignore most of this nonsense. ↩︎

7: Technically, the two are synonyms as far as NSOperation is concerned. Overriding concurrent to return true does the same for asynchronous and vice-versa. ↩︎

8: As a matter of style, we still override asynchronous to return true in our example. But it’s just as a nod toward semantic correctness. There’s no functional benefit to doing so that I can find. ↩︎

9: While being careful not to call super, as that would trigger the superclass’s behavior of marking itself as finished as soon as super.start() returns. ↩︎